This article details my concept of the ideal approach for provisioning a "Technician Tools Live Drive" (TM) environment conducive to installing and repairing Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2012 environments by deploying customized Windows PE images via PXE network, live USB hard disk, or CD/DVD or ISO image. This could theoretically be deployed in many other ways as well, including deployment over the Internet (or through a proxy) or by arbitrarily inserting entries into the BCD store on the local system.
The system will access tools stored on the Technician PC (where available) and/or the boot device (where available). The Windows PE system will leverage Node.js to establish a web server interface to administer Windows Setup either locally or remotely. The Windows PE system will then allow the local user to launch a web browser in order to interact with the system. In addition, remote access to the live system will be provided over the web browser. Moreover, when the target system comes up, the Technician PC will launch the web browser connection to the Windows PE system.
You will need at least two machines: the Technician PC and the target PC.
On the Technician PC, you will need the following:
The process detailed here should take the average technician and computer between one and two hours besides the amount of time it takes to burn the ISOs to discs, the time it takes to copy files from the installation media, and the time it takes to copy files onto the USB disk. So the total accumulation of time could take anywhere between one hour and eight hours, depending on the amount of data you are copying and the rate at which you can copy the data.
Run the following commands as Administrator at the Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment command prompt to prepare the installation environment.
Set system-level environment variables. You may have to adjust `KitsRoot` to your Windows ADK installation location, but `KitsRoot` should already be provided at the *Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment* command prompt. AIK may have to be adjusted to point to your Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7.
set KitsRoot=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\
call "%KitsRoot%Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\DandISetEnv.bat"
set AIK=C:\Program Files\Windows AIK
Set application environment variables.
set ADK=%KitsRoot%Assessment and Deployment Kit
set pe4cabsx86=%ADK%\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\WinPE_OCs
set pe4cabsamd64=%ADK%\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\WinPE_OCs
set pe3cabsx86=%AIK%\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs
set pe3cabsamd64=%AIK%\Tools\PETools\amd64\WinPE_FPs
set pe3cabsia64=%AIK%\Tools\PETools\ia64\WinPE_FPs
Set configuration environment variables. You may customize these as you wish. I recommend changing `LiveDrive`, `LiveHostName`, `LiveShareName`, `LiveUserName`, and `LiveUserPassword` to accomodate your environment.
set LiveTitle=Technician Tools Live Drive
set LiveDrive=C:\LiveDrive
set LiveScripts=%LiveDrive%\scripts
set LiveMedia=%LiveDrive%\media
set LiveTools=%LiveDrive%\tools
set LiveHostName=
set LiveShareName=LiveDrive
set LiveUserName=LiveDrive
set LiveUserPassword=liveDrive012
set ISORoot=%LiveDrive%\ISOs
set TFTPRoot=%LiveDrive%\TFTPRoot
set USBRoot=%LiveDrive%\USBRoot
Set more application environment variables.
set PE4root=%LiveDrive%\TempPE4
set PE4x86=%PE4root%\x86
set PE4amd64=%PE4root%\amd64
set PE3root=%LiveDrive%\TempPE3
set PE3x86=%PE3root%\x86
set PE3amd64=%PE3root%\amd64
set PE3ia64=%PE3root%\ia64
Create project structure, e.g., `C:\LiveDrive`.
mkdir "%LiveDrive%"
mkdir "%LiveScripts%"
mkdir "%LiveMedia%"
mkdir "%LiveTools%"
mkdir "%PE4root%"
mkdir "%PE3root%"
mkdir "%ISORoot%"
mkdir "%ISORoot%"\x86
mkdir "%ISORoot%"\amd64
mkdir "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo
mkdir "%ISORoot%"\ia64
mkdir "%TFTPRoot%"
mkdir "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot
mkdir "%USBRoot%"
mkdir "%USBRoot%"\Boot
mkdir "%USBRoot%"\media
Create a new user for accessing the remote file share.
net user "%LiveUserName%" "%LiveUserPassword%" /ADD
Share the `LiveDrive` folder onto the network, with a share name like `LiveDrive`.
net share "%LiveShareName%"="%LiveDrive%" /GRANT:Everyone,FULL /UNLIMITED
Set security permissions for the remote access user on the shared project folder.
icacls "%LiveDrive%" /grant "%LiveUserName%":F /inheritance:e
Proceed using the same Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment command prompt as Administrator to prepare the startup environment for Windows PE.
This is a replacement for the 'startnet.cmd' script found inside of a generic Windows PE image. Run these commands to generate the 'startnet.cmd' script.
echo @echo off>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveTitle=%LiveTitle%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveDriveLetter=L:>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveDrive=LiveDriveLetter\>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveHostName=%LiveHostName%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveShareName=%LiveShareName%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveUserName=%LiveUserName%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo set LiveUserPassword=%LiveUserPassword%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo title %LiveTitle%>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo echo Initializing network services . . .>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo wpeinit>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo echo Mounting network drive at %LiveDriveLetter% = \\%LiveHostName%\%LiveShareName% . . .>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo net use %LiveDriveLetter% "\\%LiveHostName%\%LiveShareName%" /USER:"%LiveUserName%" "%LiveUserPassword%">>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
echo cscript.exe /Nologo bootstrap.js>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
REM DISABLED: echo echo Rebooting . . .>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
REM DISABLED: echo wpeutil reboot>>"%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd
Save this script into scripts\bootstrap.js
var fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var wshsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var env = wshsh.Environment("Process");
//array of objects like { path: string, packages: array, type: string }
var discoveredRepos = function detectRepos () {
var repos = [];
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
for (; !drives.atEnd(); drives.moveNext()) {
var drive = drives.item();
if (fso.FolderExists(drive.DriveLetter + ":\\tools")
&& fso.FileExists(drive.DriveLetter + ":\\tools\\repo.json")) {
var pkgsfile = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.DriveLetter + ":\\tools\\repo.json", ForReading=1);
var pkgstxt = pkgsfile.ReadAll();
var repoType = function DriveTypeDesc(typeCode) {
switch (typeCode) {
case 1: return "Removable";
case 2: return "Fixed";
case 3: return "Network";
case 4: return "CD-ROM";
case 5: return "RAM Disk";
default:return "Unknown";
repos[repos.length] = { path: drive.DriveLetter + ":\\tools\\", packages: eval(pkgstxt), type: repoType };
livedrive = function () {
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
for (; !drives.atEnd(); drives.moveNext()) {
var drive = drives.item();
if (fso.FolderExists(drive.DriveLetter + ":\\scripts")) {
return drive.DriveLetter + ":\\";
"WARNING: Could not locate scripts folder on the Technician Tools Live Drive.\n" +
" Tools will probably be unavailable for this session.\n");
return "";
var SystemRoot = env("SystemRoot");
/*WScript.Echo("Live Drive found at " + livedrive + ".\nDeploying current version of toolkit to " + windows + " . . .");
var fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
, folder = fso.GetFolder(livedrive + "scripts")
, files = new Enumerator(folder.Files);
for (; !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext()) {
var file = files.item();
WScript.Echo("Copying " + file.Path + " to " + SystemRoot + "\\System32\\" + file.Name);
fso.CopyFile(file.Path, SystemRoot + "\\System32\\" + file.Name);
You will need to download the following ZIP file and expand it to the %LiveDrive%\scripts\liveserver
Proceed using the same Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment command prompt as Administrator to prepare the startup environment for Windows PE.
Create a new Windows PE 4 image for x86.
copype.cmd x86 "%PE4x86%"
Mount the new x86 Windows PE 4 image.
imagex /mountrw "%PE4x86%"\media\sources\boot.wim 1 "%PE4x86%"\mount
Add packages to Windows PE 4 x86 image.
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE4x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsx86%\"
imagex /commit "%PE4x86%"\mount
Install custom scripts into Windows PE 4 x86 image.
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd "%PE4x86%"\mount\Windows\System32
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\bootstrap.js "%PE4x86%"\mount\Windows\System32
imagex /commit "%PE4x86%"\mount
Create Windows PE 4 image for amd64.
copype.cmd amd64 "%PE4amd64%"
Mount the new amd64 Windows PE 4 image.
imagex /mountrw "%PE4amd64%"\media\sources\boot.wim 1 "%PE4amd64%"\mount
Add packages to Windows PE 4 amd64 image.
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE4amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe4cabsamd64%\"
imagex /commit "%PE4amd64%"\mount
Install custom scripts into Windows PE 4 amd64 image.
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd "%PE4amd64%"\mount\Windows\System32
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\bootstrap.js "%PE4amd64%"\mount\Windows\System32
imagex /commit "%PE4amd64%"\mount
Copy files needed for x86 ISO boot.
xcopy /S /Y "%PE4x86%"\media\*.* "%ISORoot%"\x86
ren "%ISORoot%"\x86\sources\boot.wim bootpe4x86.wim
Copy files needed for amd64 ISO boot.
xcopy /S /Y "%PE4x86%"\media\*.* "%USBRoot%"
del "%USBRoot%"\sources\boot.wim
Deploy both images to USB root.
copy /Y "%PE4x86%"\media\sources\boot.wim "%USBRoot%"\sources\bootpe4x86.wim
copy /Y "%PE4amd64%"\media\sources\boot.wim "%USBRoot%"\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim
Copy files needed for PXE boot.
xcopy /S /Y "%PE4x86%"\media\*.* "%TFTPRoot%"
copy /Y "%PE4x86%"\mount\Windows\Boot\PXE\*.* "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot
del /Q "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\boot*.wim
Deploy both images to TFTP root.
copy /Y "%PE4x86%"\media\sources\boot.wim "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\bootpe4x86.wim
copy /Y "%PE4amd64%"\media\sources\boot.wim "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim
Optional: Usability Hack: Remove the press F12 for Network Servicing prompt.
ren "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\
copy /Y "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\pxeboot.n12 "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\
Unmount both images.
imagex /unmount "%PE4x86%"\mount
imagex /unmount "%PE4amd64%"\mount
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for x86 ISO container.
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 CD (x86)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 CD (x86)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for amd64 ISO container.
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 CD (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 CD (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for USB container.
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 USB (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 USB (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 USB (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 USB (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Build boot configuration database (BCD) store for PXE boot.
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 PXE (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 PXE (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 PXE (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 PXE (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Proceed using the same Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment command prompt as Administrator to prepare the startup environment for Windows PE.
By importing the Windows AIK environment, we ensure that the tools that are being used are from the AIK and not the ADK.
call "%AIK%"\Tools\PETools\pesetenv.cmd
Create a new Windows PE 3 image for x86.
copype.cmd x86 "%PE3x86%"
Mount the new x86 Windows PE 3 image.
imagex /mountrw "%PE3x86%"\winpe.wim 1 "%PE3x86%"\mount
Add packages to Windows PE 3 x86 image.
dism /image:"%PE3x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE3x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsx86%\"
dism /image:"%PE3x86%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsx86%\"
imagex /commit "%PE3x86%"\mount
Install custom scripts into Windows PE 3 x86 image.
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd "%PE3x86%"\mount\Windows\System32
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\bootstrap.js "%PE3x86%"\mount\Windows\System32
imagex /commit "%PE3x86%"\mount
Create a new Windows PE 3 image for amd64.
copype.cmd amd64 "%PE3amd64%"
Mount the new amd64 Windows PE 3 image.
imagex /mountrw "%PE3amd64%"\winpe.wim 1 "%PE3amd64%"\mount
Add packages to Windows PE 3 amd64 image.
dism /image:"%PE3amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE3amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsamd64%\"
dism /image:"%PE3amd64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsamd64%\"
imagex /commit "%PE3amd64%"\mount
Install custom scripts into Windows PE 3 amd64 image.
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd "%PE3amd64%"\mount\Windows\System32
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\bootstrap.js "%PE3amd64%"\mount\Windows\System32
imagex /commit "%PE3amd64%"\mount
Create a new Windows PE 3 image for ia64.
copype.cmd ia64 "%PE3ia64%"
Mount the new ia64 Windows PE 3 image.
imagex /mountrw "%PE3ia64%"\winpe.wim 1 "%PE3ia64%"\mount
Add packages to Windows PE 3 ia64 image.
dism /image:"%PE3ia64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsia64%\"
dism /image:"%PE3ia64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsia64%\"
dism /image:"%PE3ia64%"\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%pe3cabsia64%\"
imagex /commit "%PE3ia64%"\mount
Install custom scripts into Windows PE 3 ia64 image.
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\startnet.cmd "%PE3ia64%"\mount\Windows\System32
copy /Y "%LiveScripts%"\bootstrap.js "%PE3ia64%"\mount\Windows\System32
imagex /commit "%PE3ia64%"\mount
Copy files needed for x86 ISO boot.
copy /Y "%PE3x86%"\winpe.wim "%ISORoot%"\x86\sources\bootpe3x86.wim
Copy files needed for amd64 ISO boot.
copy /Y "%PE3amd64%"\winpe.wim "%ISORoot%"\amd64\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim
Copy files needed for ia64 ISO boot.
xcopy /E /Y "%PE3ia64%"\ISO\*.* "%ISORoot%"\ia64
copy /Y "%PE3ia64%"\winpe.wim "%ISORoot%"\ia64\sources\boot.wim
Copy files needed for USB boot.
copy /Y "%PE3x86%"\winpe.wim "%USBRoot%"\sources\bootpe3x86.wim
copy /Y "%PE3amd64%"\winpe.wim "%USBRoot%"\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim
copy /Y "%PE3ia64%"\winpe.wim "%USBRoot%"\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim
Deploy all images to TFTP root.
copy /Y "%PE3x86%"\winpe.wim "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\bootpe3x86.wim
copy /Y "%PE3amd64%"\winpe.wim "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim
copy /Y "%PE3ia64%"\winpe.wim "%TFTPRoot%"\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim
Unmount all images.
imagex /unmount "%PE3x86%"\mount
imagex /unmount "%PE3amd64%"\mount
imagex /unmount "%PE3ia64%"\mount
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for x86 ISO container.
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for amd64 ISO container.
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (amd64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (amd64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\amd64\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for ia64 ISO container.
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (ia64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 CD (ia64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\ia64\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
Integrate Windows PE 3 into existing boot configuration database (BCD) store for USB boot.
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (amd64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (amd64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (ia64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (ia64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 USB (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%USBRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Integrate Windows PE 3 into existing boot configuration database (BCD) store for PXE boot.
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (amd64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (amd64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (ia64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (ia64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3ia64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 PXE (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%TFTPRoot%"\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Generate x86 image file.
oscdimg -n -m -o -b"%PE4x86%"\fwfiles\ "%ISORoot%"\x86 "%ISORoot%"\x86.iso
Generate amd64 image file.
oscdimg -n -m -o -b"%PE4amd64%"\fwfiles\ "%ISORoot%"\amd64 "%ISORoot%"\amd64.iso
Generate ia64 image file.
oscdimg -n -m -o -b"%PE3ia64%"\efisys.bin "%ISORoot%"\ia64 "%ISORoot%"\ia64.iso
Gather all the files needed.
xcopy /S /Y "%ISORoot%"\x86\*.* "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo
copy /Y "%ISORoot%"\amd64\sources\*.* "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\sources
copy /Y "%ISORoot%"\amd64\sources\*.* "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\sources
copy /Y "%PE4amd64%"\media\Boot\BCD %ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot
Edit boot configuration database (BCD) store for x86/amd64 combined ISO container.
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 DVD (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {default} description "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 DVD (amd64)"
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4amd64.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 DVD (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 4 DVD (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe4x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 DVD (amd64)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 DVD (amd64)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3amd64.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {ramdiskoptions} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 DVD (x86)"') do set ramdisk=%1
for /F "tokens=7 delims=. " %1 in ('bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /copy {default} /d "%LiveTitle% - Windows PE 3 DVD (x86)"') do set entry=%1
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /set %entry% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\bootpe3x86.wim,%ramdisk%
bcdedit /store "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo\Boot\BCD /displayorder %entry% /addlast
Generate x86/amd64 image file.
oscdimg -n -m -o -b"%PE4x86%"\fwfiles\ "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo.iso
Optional: Remove temporary build environments.
rmdir /S /Q "%PE4x86%"
rmdir /S /Q "%PE4amd64%"
rmdir /S /Q "%PE3x86%"
rmdir /S /Q "%PE3amd64%"
rmdir /S /Q "%PE3ia64%"
rmdir /S /Q "%ISORoot%"\x86
rmdir /S /Q "%ISORoot%"\amd64
rmdir /S /Q "%ISORoot%"\ia64
rmdir /S /Q "%ISORoot%"\x86amd64combo
Copy all of your installation media into folders/subfolders inside the %LiveDrive%\media
folder. The scripts provided earlier will automatically detect the available installation media and provide an interface to launch whichever Windows Setup instances are valid for the given Windows PE session that is booted.
NOTICE: The scripts do not currently do this. It is a planned feature for the next release of this article.
Now that all of the installation files are tucked away safely inside of %LiveDrive%\media
, you can adjust the contents of the %USBRoot%\media
folder as well. You can either copy them directly or create links as I have done.
for %f in ("%LiveMedia%"\*) do mklink "%USBRoot%\media\%~nf" "%f"
for /d %d in ("%LiveMedia%"\*) do mklink /d "%USBRoot%\media\%~nd" "%d"
You will need a USB drive formatted to FAT32 or NTFS (recommended). If it was not formatted in Windows Vista or higher, you may use bootsect.exe
to update the master boot record and partition record so that it is using the BOOTMGR boot code. The syntax is as follows:
bootsect /nt60 <USBDriveLetter>: /mbr
Replace <USBDriveLetter>
with the drive letter of your USB drive. Run bootsect /help
for further information.
Then just copy the contents of your %USBRoot%
folder to your USB drive's root directory.
xcopy /E /Y %USBRoot% <USBDriveLetter>:\
Replace <USBDriveLetter>
with the drive letter of your USB drive.
I have chosen to use Open DHCP Server and Open TFTP Server for this portion of the setup. You may use what you want, but this is the configuration I chose because my Technician PC is also a workstation PC.
Setup Open TFTP Server.
Backup C:\OpenTFTPServer\OpenTFTPServerMT.ini
copy "C:\OpenTFTPServer\OpenTFTPServerMT.ini" "C:\OpenTFTPServer\OpenTFTPServerMT.ini.original"
Edit C:\OpenTFTPServer\OpenTFTPServerMT.ini
so that it says something like:
Restart service:
net stop TFTPServer
net start TFTPServer
Setup Open DHCP Server.
Backup C:\OpenDHCPServer\OpenDHCPServer.ini
copy "C:\OpenDHCPServer\OpenDHCPServer.ini" "C:\OpenDHCPServer\OpenDHCPServer.ini.original"
Edit C:\OpenDHCPServer\OpenDHCPServer.ini
so that it says something like:
Restart service:
net stop OpenDHCPServer
net start OpenDHCPServer
With the exception of USB booting, I use a VirtualBox virtual machine to test all of these boot scenarios. VirtualBox doesn't boot directly from USB, so I use a second PC to test USB booting. All of these boot patterns have been tested and work according to design.
If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please drop me a line below or find me on Google+. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!